
STEAM for All has curated a wide variety of original and challenging mathematical problems for our numerous books. The Orange County Math Circle (OCMC) has created two editions, the All Girls Math Tournament (AGMT) has assembled an additional book, and OC Science published an exploratory science activity book, all of which are currently for sale through amazon. Look out for more to come!
This edition for elementary students contains six topical lessons and two full years of OCMC’s Thanksgiving Tournament for grades 3 through 6. With over 400 problems with full solutions, this book is a great resource for elementary schoolers looking to get started with competition math, sharpen their skills, or simply enjoy the process of learning.
This edition is used by elementary and middle school students to excel in MATHCOUNTS, Math Olympiads, and beyond. Covering the areas of Algebra, Geometry, Counting, and Probability, and Number Sense, over 500 examples and problems with fully explained solutions represent the commonly seen competition questions and essential strategies experienced and developed by all the authors throughout their math careers from MATHCOUNTS to the USA(J)MO.

The Original Collection of Math Contest Problems Volume 3: For the Curious High Schooler contains new, original problems written by members of the Orange County Math Circle. There are many questions in each of four subjects (Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry, and Number Theory) that are geared towards high schoolers and advanced middle schoolers. With full, detailed solutions, this book is a great resource for middle and high school students to hone their skills and practice on a wide range of problems.

This edition is for students in grades 3-6 who are looking to improve their problem-solving skills. It consists of past All Girls Math Tournament tests along with thorough step-by-step solutions, covering various math topics including Geometry, Algebra, Number Theory, Counting, and Probability. It is written by volunteers of the All Girls Math Tournament, a non-profit student-run organization based in Orange County, California committed to encouraging more girls to pursue STEM fields by holding events, such as their annual math tournament.

The Science Activity Book, authored and edited by members of the OC Science Board, contains 20 do-it-yourself activities focusing on intriguing science topics and fundamentals ranging from biology to physics. This book is a great resource to explore the experimental process, along with the underlying scientific concepts. This book also includes video demonstrations of the experiments to supplemental learning.